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Travel Experiences by @algunssonhosvividos
“A man needs to travel, on by it’s own, not by stories, images, books or TV. He needs to travel by himself with is eyes and feet, to understand what’s his. Then one day he could plant he’s own trees and appreciate his work. Feel thet cold to appreciate the heat. And the opposite. Feel the distance and the exposure to feel good under it’s own roof. A man need to travel to places that he doesn’t know an break that arrogance that make us see the world as we imagine, and not how it should be or could be; what make us teachers, doctors about things that we haven’t seen, or we sould be students, just go out there and see the world.” (Adapted "Mar sem fim"- Amyr Klink)
We are a couple from the island of Madeira who soon discovered their passion for travel, having already visited 61 countries. We decided to share what we see in order to inspire others to visit these places! And when we say that we share what we see, that is what characterizes our digital platforms. The goal is not to "show up" but to show to the people the places as they are, so they can absorb as much as possible. As Youtube is the main publicize platform, sharing is not limited to the period we are on the site or in the following days, becoming permanent whatever you want to search. Then we regularly share when the video reaches certain levels, the most viewed videos of the month and year, when we celebrate the anniversary of the visits, … So the visibility continues! A partnership with us is not for a moment, it is for life!
Where you can find us... Onde estamos…
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 Countries (TOP 5: Portugal, UK, USA, Germany and Brazil)
Awards Prémios
Discover the World Travel Awards - BTL 2020 - WINNER Vlog Youtube Category
Partners Parceiros
Collaborations Colaborações
Bratislava - Slovakia Lisboa - Portugal Algarve - Portugal