Bornholm é uma ilha dinamarquesa situada no Mar Báltico, a leste das restantes ilhas da Dinamarca, ao sul da Suécia, e ao norte da Polônia. Fica junto à pequena ilha de Ertholmene, localizada 18 km a noroeste. Estrategicamente localizada no mar Báltico, Bornholm foi controlada pela Dinamarca na maior parte da sua história, mas também pela Suécia e por Lübeck. As ruínas do castelo Hammershus no extremo noroeste da ilha dão testemunho da sua grande importância. As principais indústrias da ilha são a pesca, a cerâmica, o fabrico de relógios e os produtos lácteos. O turismo é importante durante o verão, especialmente pelas suas quatro igrejas redondas, muito visitadas. Fonte Wikipédia. Saiba mais    Bornholm is a Danish island in the Baltic Sea, to the east of most of Denmark, south of Sweden, and north of Poland. The main industries on the island include fishing, arts and crafts such as glass making and pottery using locally worked clay, and dairy farming. Tourism is important during the summer. The topography of the island consists of dramatic rock formations in the north (unlike the rest of Denmark which mostly of gentle rolling hills) sloping down towards pine and deciduous forests (greatly damaged by storms in the 1950s) and farmland in the middle and sandy beaches in the south. Source Wikipédia. See more Strategically located in the Baltic Sea, Bornholm has  been fought over for centuries. It has usually been  ruled by Denmark, but also by Lübeck and Sweden.  The Hammershus castle ruin, at the northwestern tip  of the island, is the largest medieval fortress in  northern Europe, testament to the importance of its  location. Source "" Nylars Church is a 12th-century round church in the  village of Nylars near Rønne in the south of the  Danish island of Bornholm. Originally designed for a  defensive role, the solid structure contains a series  of 13th century frescos, the oldest of Bornholm's  four round churches. Source "" Built around 1165, the church was dedicated to St  Nicholas. The old Danish name for Nicolas was  Nilaus which has developed into the present name of  Nylars. Source "" Gudhjem is a small town and fishing port on the  northern coast of the Baltic island of Bornholm,  Denmark. Its population is 718 (1 January 2013).  Source "" Gudhjem is a popular venue for tourists who are  attracted by its steep, picturesque streets, stunning  views and a friendly atmosphere.  Source "" Hammershus is Northern Europe's largest medieval  fortification, situated 74 metres (243 ft) above sea  level on Hammeren, the northern tip of the Danish  island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea. Erected in the  13th century, it was long believed that the castle  was built as a private residence for the archbishop of  Lund. Source "" The fortification consists of the base castle residence  and accompanying Mantel Tower, and includes a  great stonewall stretching 750 metres (2,460 ft)  around the castle grounds. Source "" The music of the sea  On board Costa Pacifica, everything amazes,  transports and entertains you and the excitement  never ends: inspired by music, its happy and  colourful environments are each based on a different  symphony. The secret of its beauty lies in the variety  of its styles. Source "" A música é a alma do mundo, é a linguagem  universal compreendida por todos, é alegria,  encanto, prazer puro. Por isso um cruzeiro a bordo  do Costa Pacifica será inesquecível: o navio da  música está pronto para envolver você com suas  notas e acompanhá-lo por todas as suas férias com  a harmonia da sua trilha sonora.  Fonte "" The music of the sea  On board Costa Pacifica, everything amazes,  transports and entertains you and the excitement  never ends: inspired by music, its happy and  colourful environments are each based on a different  symphony. The secret of its beauty lies in the variety  of its styles. Source "" A música é a alma do mundo, é a linguagem  universal compreendida por todos, é alegria,  encanto, prazer puro. Por isso um cruzeiro a bordo  do Costa Pacifica será inesquecível: o navio da  música está pronto para envolver você com suas  notas e acompanhá-lo por todas as suas férias com  a harmonia da sua trilha sonora.  Fonte ""
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