Kiel é a capital e a maior cidade do estado alemão de Schleswig-Holstein, no norte da Alemanha, com aproximadamente 238.000 habitantes. Kiel, está localizada às margens do fiorde de Kiel e do canal norte do mar báltico (Nord-Ostsee-Kanal), é a maior cidade do norte da Alemanha. A metrópole mais próxima é Hamburgo, a aproximadamente 90 km ao sul de Kiel. A cidade de Kiel é internacionalmente conhecida no esporte graças à navegação a vela - a Semana de Kiel - e ao clube de handebol THW Kiel. Fonte Wikipédia. Saiba mais    Kiel is the capital and most populous city in the northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein, with a population of 242,041 (2011). Kiel lies approximately 90 kilometres (56 mi) north of Hamburg. Due to its geographic location in the north of Germany, the southeast of the Jutland peninsula, and the southwestern shore of the Baltic Sea, Kiel has become one of the major maritime centres of Germany. For instance, the city is known for a variety of international sailing events, including the annual Kiel Week, which is the biggest sailing event in the world. Kiel has also been one of the traditional homes of the German Navy's Baltic fleet, and continues to be a major high-tech shipbuilding centre. Located in Kiel is the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR) at the University of Kiel. Kiel is an important sea transport hub, thanks to its location at the Kiel Fjord (Kieler Förde) and the busiest artificial waterway in the world, Kiel Canal (Nord-Ostsee-Kanal). Source Wikipédia. See more Kiel's economy is dominated by the service sector,  transport and maritime industries. Kiel is also one of  the major ports of the German Navy, and a leading  centre of German high-tech military and civil  shipbuilding. Kiel is the home of Howaldtswerke-  Deutsche Werft, a shipyard founded in 1838 famed  for its construction of submarines.  Source “” Kiel figura hoje, graças ao fiorde de Kiel, como um  porto de águas profundas (Tiefseehafen) e como um  dos mais importantes portos de conexão marítima  ao mar báltico, estendendo-se em forma de  ferradura ao redor de seu porto natural. Kiel é o  divisor de águas entre o Mar do Norte e o Báltico.  Fonte “” Hamburg, officially Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg,  is the second largest city in Germany and the sixth  largest city in the European Union.[3] It is also the  thirteenth largest German state. The city is home to over  1.8 million people, while the Hamburg Metropolitan  Region (including parts of the neighbouring Federal  States of Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein) has  more than 5 million inhabitants.  Source “”  St. Michael's Church, is one of Hamburg's five  Lutheran main churches (Hauptkirchen) and the  most famous church in the city. St. Michaelis is a  landmark of the city. It is dedicated to the Archangel  Michael. A large bronze statue, standing above the  portal of the church shows the archangel conquering  the devil. Source “” Hamburg is a major transport hub in Northern  Germany and is one of the most affluent cities in  Europe. It has become a media and industrial  centre, with plants and facilities belonging to Airbus,  Blohm + Voss and Aurubis.  Source “” A typical Hamburg visit includes a tour of the city  hall and the grand church St. Michaelis (called the  Michel), and visiting the old warehouse district  (Speicherstadt) and the harbour promenade  (Landungsbrücken). Sightseeing buses connect  these points of interest. Source “” The music of the sea  On board Costa Pacifica, everything amazes,  transports and entertains you and the excitement  never ends: inspired by music, its happy and  colourful environments are each based on a different  symphony. The secret of its beauty lies in the variety  of its styles. Source "" A música é a alma do mundo, é a linguagem  universal compreendida por todos, é alegria,  encanto, prazer puro. Por isso um cruzeiro a bordo  do Costa Pacifica será inesquecível: o navio da  música está pronto para envolver você com suas  notas e acompanhá-lo por todas as suas férias com  a harmonia da sua trilha sonora.  Fonte ""
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