Helsínquia ou Helsinque, com aproximadamente 560 mil habitantes, é a capital da República da Finlândia e a maior cidade do país. Está localizada na parte meridional do país, na costa do Golfo da Finlândia, e é uma das mais habitáveis e socialmente desenvolvidas capitais do mundo. Helsínquia forma uma conurbação com outras três cidades, Espoo, Vantaa e Kauniainen que, no seu conjunto, constituem a chamada Área Metropolitana de Helsínquia, com uma população total de cerca de 1 179 000 habitantes, concentrando 1/5 da população do país. Helsínquia espalha-se por várias ilhas, entre as quais se encontram Seurasaari, Lauttasaari, Korkeasaari — onde se localiza o maior jardim zoológico da Finlândia — e a ilha fortaleza de Suomenlinna. Fonte Wikipédia. Saiba mais    Helsinki is the capital and largest city of Finland. It is in the region of Uusimaa, located in southern Finland, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, an arm of the Baltic Sea. Helsinki has a population of 605,523, an urban population of 1,159,211 and a metropolitan population of 1,361,506, making it by far the most populous municipality and urban area in Finland. Helsinki is located some 80 kilometres north of Tallinn, Estonia, 400 kilometres east of Stockholm, Sweden, and 300 kilometres west of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Helsinki has close historical connections with these three cities. Source Wikipédia. See more Ferry connections to Tallinn, Mariehamn and  Stockholm are serviced by various companies.  Finnlines passenger-freight ferries to Gdynia, Poland,  Travemünde, Germany and Rostock, Germany are  also available. St Peter Line offers passenger ferry  service to Saint Petersburg several times a week.  Source "wikipedia.org" Helsínquia foi fundada em 1550 por Gustavo I, rei da  Suécia como alternativa à cidade de Tallinn, na  Estónia. No século XVIII, os suecos construíram a  fortaleza de Suomenlinna na tentativa de  protegerem a região do expansionismo russo.  Fonte "wikipedia.org" Helsinki is Finland's major political, educational,  financial, cultural and research centre as well as one  of northern Europe's major cities. Approximately  70% of foreign companies operating in Finland have  settled in the Helsinki region. The nearby  municipality of Vantaa is the location of Helsinki  Airport, with frequent service to various destinations  in Europe and Asia. Source "wikipedia.org"  Porvoo is a city and a municipality situated on the  southern coast of Finland approximately 50  kilometres (30 mi) east of Helsinki. Porvoo is one of  the six medieval towns in Finland, first mentioned as  a city in texts from 14th century. Porvoo is the seat  of the Swedish speaking Diocese of Borgå of the  Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.  Source "wikipedia.org". Porvoo é uma cidade bilingüe de 46.985 habitantes  (2005) situada na costa do sul da Finlândia, na  Finlândia Meridional. Os 64% da população de  Porvoo são finoparlantes e os 33% suecoparlantes,  enquanto 2% tem outro idioma nativo. Porvoo é a  segunda cidade mais antiga da Finlândia depois de  Turku. Fonte "wikipedia.org" Sipoo is a municipality of Finland. Its seat is in  Nikkilä/Nickby. It is the eastern neighbour of Helsinki  and is located in the Uusimaa region. The municipality  has a population of 18,802 (28 February 2013) and  covers an area of 698.59 square kilometres (269.73 sq  mi) of which 358.97 km2 (138.60 sq mi) is water. The  population density is 55.36 inhabitants per square  kilometre (143.4 /sq mi). Source "wikipedia.org"  Sipoon vanha kirkko eli Pyhän Sigfridin kirkko on  Sipoon kirkonkylässä sijaitseva keskiaikainen  harmaakivikirkko. Kirkko on suosittu vihkikirkko  kesäisin. Source "wikipedia.org" The Senate Square presents Carl Ludvig Engel's  architecture as a unique allegory of political,  religious, scientific and commercial powers in the  centre of Helsinki, Finland.  Source "wikipedia.org" Senate Square and its surroundings make up the  oldest part of central Helsinki. Landmarks and  famous buildings surrounding the square are the  Helsinki Cathedral, the Government Palace, main  building of the University of Helsinki, and Sederholm  house (Sederholmin talo), oldest building of central  Helsinki dating from 1757.  Source "wikipedia.org" Public transport is generally a hotly debated subject  in the local politics of Helsinki. In Helsinki  metropolitan area, public transportation is managed  under Helsinki Region Transport, the metropolitan  area transportation authority. The diverse public  transport system consists of trams, commuter rail,  the subway, bus lines and two ferry lines. Source "wikipedia.org" The Gulf of Finland is the easternmost arm of the  Baltic Sea. It extends between Finland (to the north)  and Estonia (to the south) all the way to Saint  Petersburg in Russia, where the river Neva drains  into it. Source "wikipedia.org" The music of the sea  On board Costa Pacifica, everything amazes,  transports and entertains you and the excitement  never ends: inspired by music, its happy and  colourful environments are each based on a different  symphony. The secret of its beauty lies in the variety  of its styles. Source "costacruises.co.uk" The music of the sea  On board Costa Pacifica, everything amazes,  transports and entertains you and the excitement  never ends: inspired by music, its happy and  colourful environments are each based on a different  symphony. The secret of its beauty lies in the variety  of its styles. Source "costacruises.co.uk" A música é a alma do mundo, é a linguagem  universal compreendida por todos, é alegria,  encanto, prazer puro. Por isso um cruzeiro a bordo  do Costa Pacifica será inesquecível: o navio da  música está pronto para envolver você com suas  notas e acompanhá-lo por todas as suas férias com  a harmonia da sua trilha sonora.  Fonte "costacruzeiros.com.pt"
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