Estocolmo é a capital e maior cidade da Suécia. É a sede do governo sueco, representado na figura do Riksdag, parlamento nacional do país, além de ser a residência oficial dos membros da monarcarquia sueca. Em 2008, a área metropolitana de Estocolmo era o lar de cerca de 21% da população da Suécia e contribuia com mais de 1/3 do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) do país. Fonte Wikipédia. Saiba mais    Stockholm is the capital of Sweden and the largest city of Fennoscandia. Stockholm is the most populous city in Sweden. Founded in c. 1250, possibly as early as 1187, Stockholm has long been one of Sweden's cultural, media, political, and economic centres. Its strategic location on 14 islands on the coast in the south-east of Sweden at the mouth of Lake Mälaren, by the Stockholm archipelago, has been historically important. Stockholm has been nominated by GaWC as a global city, with a ranking of Beta+. In The 2008 Global Cities Index, Stockholm ranked 24th in the world, 10th in Europe, and first in Scandinavia. Stockholm is known for its beauty, its buildings and architecture, its abundant clean and open water, and its many parks. It is sometimes referred to as Venice of the North. Source Wikipédia. See more Stockholm is located on Sweden's south-central east  coast, where the freshwater Lake Mälaren -  Sweden's third largest lake - flows out into the Baltic  Sea. The central parts of the city consist of fourteen  islands that are continuous with the Stockholm  archipelago. The geographical city centre is situated  on the water, in Riddarfjärden bay. Source “” Estocolmo fica na parte da costa oriental da Suécia.  Está situada num arquipélago de catorze ilhas e  ilhotas, unidas por 53 pontes, na região onde o lago  Mälaren encontra o mar Báltico. A fisiografia da  cidade é muito homogénea, sendo que predominam  as planícies, chegando no máximo a 200 m de  altitude em alguns pontos.  Fonte “” The vast majority of Stockholm residents work in the  service industry, which accounts for roughly 85% of  jobs in Stockholm. The almost total absence of  heavy industry (and fossil fuel power plants) makes  Stockholm one of the world's cleanest metropolises.  Source “” Stockholm City Hall is the building of the Municipal  Council for the City of Stockholm in Sweden. It  stands on the eastern tip of Kungsholmen island,  next to Riddarfjärden's northern shore and facing  the islands of Riddarholmen and Södermalm.  Source “” Stockholm City Hall houses offices and conference  rooms as well as ceremonial halls, and the luxury  restaurant Stadshuskällaren. It is the venue of the  Nobel Prize banquet and one of Stockholm's major  tourist attractions. Source “” Stockholm County is ranked as the 10th largest  visitor destination in Europe, with over 10 million  commercial overnight stays per year. Among 44  European cities Stockholm had the 6th highest  growth in number of nights spent in the period  2004-2008. Source “” The Stockholm Palace or the Royal Palace is the  official residence and major royal palace of the  Swedish Monarch (the actual residence of King Carl  XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia is at Drottningholm  Palace). Stockholm Palace is located on Stadsholmen  ("city island"), in Gamla Stan (the old town) in the  capital, Stockholm. It neighbours the Riksdag building  and Stockholm Cathedral. Source “”  Gamla stan (The Old Town), until 1980 officially Staden  mellan broarna (The Town between the Bridges), is the old  town of Stockholm, Sweden. Gamla stan consists primarily  of the island Stadsholmen. The surrounding islets  Riddarholmen, Helgeandsholmen, and Strömsborg are  officially part of, but not colloquially included in, Gamla stan.  The word "stan" is simply a contraction of the word "staden"  ("sta'n"), meaning "the town." Source “”  O Palácio Real de Estocolmo é a residência oficial e o  maior de todos os palácios reais do Monarca da  Suécia (a residência particular da Família Real Sueca  é o Palácio de Drottningholm). O Palácio de  Estocolmo está localizado na ilha de Stadsholmen,  em Gamla Stan (a cidade velha), na capital,  Estocolmo. É vizinho do Riksdag, o parlamento da  Suécia. Fonte “”   The Vasa Museum is a maritime museum in  Stockholm, Sweden. Located on the island of  Djurgården, the museum displays the only almost  fully intact 17th century ship that has ever been  salvaged, the 64-gun warship Vasa that sank on her  maiden voyage in 1628.  Source “” O Museu do Vasa (Vasa Museet) é um museu  histórico temático localizado em Estocolmo, na  Suécia. O Vasa foi um navio de guerra sueco, do  início do século XVII, afundado quando deixava o  porto em sua primeira viagem, o que causou uma  comoção nacional à época  Fonte “” The music of the sea  On board Costa Pacifica, everything amazes,  transports and entertains you and the excitement  never ends: inspired by music, its happy and  colourful environments are each based on a different  symphony. The secret of its beauty lies in the variety  of its styles. Source "" A música é a alma do mundo, é a linguagem  universal compreendida por todos, é alegria,  encanto, prazer puro. Por isso um cruzeiro a bordo  do Costa Pacifica será inesquecível: o navio da  música está pronto para envolver você com suas  notas e acompanhá-lo por todas as suas férias com  a harmonia da sua trilha sonora.  Fonte ""
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