Talim, Taline, Talin ou Tallinn é a cidade capital da Estónia, localizada no golfo da Finlândia, na costa norte do país junto ao mar Báltico, a 80 quilómetros a sul de Helsínquia. Tem cerca de 400 000 habitantes, aproximadamente um terço da população total do país. Até o início do século XX a cidade era designada por Reval ou Revel. Fonte Wikipédia. Saiba mais     Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It occupies an area of 159.2 km2 (61.5 sq mi) with a population of 426,503. It is situated on the northern coast of the country, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, 80 km (50 mi) south of Helsinki, east of Stockholm and west of Saint Petersburg. Tallinn's Old Town is in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It is ranked as a global city and has been listed among the top 10 digital cities in the world. Source Wikipédia. See more The main attractions are in the two old towns  (Lower Town and Toompea) which are both easily  explored on foot. Eastern districts around Pirita and  Kadriorg are also worth visiting and the Estonian  Open Air Museum (Eesti Vabaõhumuuseum) in  Rocca al Mare, west of the city, preserves aspects of  Estonian rural culture and architecture.  Source "wikipedia.org" A cidade é animada por numerosos festivais, como o  da cerveja, do centro histórico, do jazz, da música  barroca, da canção, etc. Possui uma grande sala de  concertos, o Saku Suurhall e 10 teatros profissionais  (cinco dos quais mantidos pelo Estado), com  representações bastante clássicas. Fonte "wikipedia.org" The city operates a system of bus (64 lines), tram (4  lines) and trolley-bus (7 lines) routes to all districts.  A flat-fare system is used. Source "wikipedia.org" Toompea – Upper Town: This area was once a separate  town, the residence of the Chivalry of Estonia, Roman  Catholic bishops of Tallinn and Lutheran superintendents of  Estonia, occupying an easily defensible site overlooking the  surrounding districts. The major attractions are the walls and  various bastions of Castrum Danorum, the Russian Orthodox  Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and the Lutheran Cathedral and  the old Estonian Royal Palace now the Parliament building.  Source "wikipedia.org" All-linn – Lower Town: This area is one of the best  preserved old towns in Europe and the authorities  are continuing its rehabilitation. Major sights include  Raekoja plats (Town Hall square), the town walls  and towers (notably "Fat Margaret" and "Kiek in de  Kök") and St Olaf church tower (124 m).  Source "wikipedia.org" Rocca al Mare is a subdistrict in the district of  Haabersti, Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. It is mostly  covered by the Estonian Open Air Museum. Besides  the museum there is also a private secondary school  Rocca al Mare School located in the subdistrict.  Source "wikipedia.org" The Estonian Open Air Museum is a life-sized  reconstruction of an 18th-century rural/fishing  village, which comes complete with church, inn,  schoolhouse, several mills, a fire station, twelve  farmyards and net sheds. The site spans 79 hectares  of land and contains 72 separate buildings and is  located 8km to the west of Tallinn city center at  Rocca al Mare. Source "wikipedia.org" The music of the sea  On board Costa Pacifica, everything amazes,  transports and entertains you and the excitement  never ends: inspired by music, its happy and  colourful environments are each based on a different  symphony. The secret of its beauty lies in the variety  of its styles. Source "costacruises.co.uk" The music of the sea  On board Costa Pacifica, everything amazes,  transports and entertains you and the excitement  never ends: inspired by music, its happy and  colourful environments are each based on a different  symphony. The secret of its beauty lies in the variety  of its styles. Source "costacruises.co.uk" A música é a alma do mundo, é a linguagem  universal compreendida por todos, é alegria,  encanto, prazer puro. Por isso um cruzeiro a bordo  do Costa Pacifica será inesquecível: o navio da  música está pronto para envolver você com suas  notas e acompanhá-lo por todas as suas férias com  a harmonia da sua trilha sonora.  Fonte "costacruzeiros.com.pt"
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