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  Florença é um município italiano, capital e maior cidade da região da Toscana e da província homônima, com cerca de 371 060 habitantes. Estende-se por uma área de 102 km², tendo uma densidade populacional de 3453 hab/km². Faz fronteira com Bagno a Ripoli, Campi Bisenzio, Fiesole, Impruneta, Scandicci, Sesto Fiorentino. Florença foi durante muito tempo considerada a capital da moda. É considerada o berço do Renascimento italiano, e uma das cidades mais belas do mundo. Fonte Wikipédia. Saiba mais    Florence is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany and of the province of Florence. It is the most populous city in Tuscany, with approximately 370,000 inhabitants, expanding to over 1.5 million in the metropolitan area. Florence is famous for its history. A centre of medieval European trade and finance and one of the wealthiest cities of the time, Florence is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance, and has been called the Athens of the Middle Ages. A turbulent political history includes periods of rule by the powerful Medici family, and numerous religious and republican revolutions. From 1865 to 1871 the city was also the capital of the recently established Kingdom of Italy. Source Wikipédia. See more Easy going and Welcoming. This hotel was conceived  for families or groups of friends. It is well furnished  from the single until the four-bed room and it was  studied to welcome all type of leisure and business  travellers. Source "" Simples e aconchegante. Hotel concebido para os  clientes que viajam com a família ou grupos de  amigos. Bem decorado em todos os quartos, desde  o individual até o quarto quádruplo, o nosso hotel foi  projetado para receber todos os tipos de clientes,  seja o de lazer ou de negócios.   Fonte "" The Arno is a river in the Tuscany region of Italy. It  is the most important river of central Italy after the  Tiber. The river originates on Mount Falterona in the  Casentino area of the Apennines, and initially takes a  southward curve. The river turns to the west near  Arezzo passing through Florence, Empoli and Pisa,  flowing into the Tyrrhenian Sea at Marina di Pisa.   Source “” Piazzale Michelangelo (Michelangelo Square) is a  famous square with a magnificent panoramic view of  Florence, Italy, and is a popular tourist destination in  the Oltrarno district of the city. The famous view  from this observation point overlooking the city has  been reproduced on countless postcards and  snapshots over the years. Source “” Piazzale Michelangelo was built in 1869 and designed  by architect Giuseppe Poggi on a hill just south of the  historic center, during the redevelopment of the left  bank of the Arno (the South side of the river). At that  time, Florence was the capital of Italy and the whole  city was involved in an urban renewal, the so-called  "Risanamento" or the "Rebirth" of the city's middle  class.                                        Source“”  The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore is the main  church of Florence, Italy. The Duomo, as it is  ordinarily called, was begun in 1296 in the Gothic  style to the design of Arnolfo di Cambio and  completed structurally in 1436 with the dome  engineered by Filippo Brunelleschi.   Source “” A Basílica di Santa Maria del Fiore é a catedral, ou  Duomo, da Arquidiocese da Igreja Católica Romana de  Florença. Notabilizada por sua monumental cúpula - obra  do celebrado arquiteto renascentista Brunelleschi - e  pelo campanário, de Giotto, é uma das obras da arte  gótica e da primeira renascença italiana, considerada de  fundamental importância para a História da Arquitetura,  registro da riqueza e do poder da capital da Toscana nos  séculos XIII e XIV.                      Fonte “”  The archaeological history of this huge area was  reconstructed through the work of Dr Franklin Toker:  remains of Roman houses, an early Christian  pavement, ruins of the former cathedral of Santa  Reparata and successive enlargements of this  church. Source "" The Ponte Vecchio is a Medieval stone closed-  spandrel segmental arch bridge over the Arno River,  in Florence, Italy, noted for still having shops built  along it, as was once common. Butchers initially  occupied the shops; the present tenants are  jewellers, art dealers and souvenir sellers.   Source "" A Ponte Vecchio (Ponte Velha) é uma Ponte em arco  medieval sobre o Rio Arno, em Florença, na Itália,  famosa por ter uma quantidade de lojas  (principalmente ourivesarias e joalharias) ao longo  de todo o tabuleiro.   Fonte "" The Palazzo Pitti, in English sometimes called the  Pitti Palace, is a vast mainly Renaissance palace in  Florence, Italy. It is situated on the south side of the  River Arno, a short distance from the Ponte Vecchio.  The core of the present palazzo dates from 1458  and was originally the town residence of Luca Pitti,  an ambitious Florentine banker.   Source "" The Boboli Gardens is a park in Florence, Italy, that  is home to a collection of sculptures dating from the  16th through the 18th centuries, with some Roman  antiquities.   Source "" The Florence Baptistery or Battistero di San Giovanni  is a religious building in Florence which has the  status of a minor basilica. The octagonal Baptistry  stands in both the Piazza del Duomo and the Piazza  di San Giovanni, across from the Duomo cathedral  and the Giotto bell tower. It is one of the oldest  buildings in the city, built between 1059 and 1128.   Source "" O Batistério de São João é um prédio religioso em  Florença, na Toscana, Itália. Acredita-se que é o  mais antigo prédio da cidade e é famoso por suas  magníficas portas de bronze. Fica na Piazza del  Duomo, a oeste da Santa Maria del Fiore.  Fonte "" The Museo dell'Opera del Duomo in Florence, is a  museum containing many of the original works of art  created for the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, the  cathedral (Duomo) of Florence. The museum is  located just east of the Duomo, near its apse.  Source "" The Basilica di Santa Croce (Basilica of the Holy  Cross) is the principal Franciscan church in Florence,  Italy, and a minor basilica of the Roman Catholic  Church. It is situated on the Piazza di Santa Croce,  about 800 metres south east of the Duomo. The  site, when first chosen, was in marshland outside  the city walls. Source "" A Basílica de Santa Cruz é a principal igreja  franciscana em Florença, e uma das principais  basílicas da Igreja Católica no mundo. Está situada  na Piazza di Santa Croce. É o lugar onde estão  enterrados alguns dos mais ilustres italianos, tais  como Michelângelo, Galileo Galilei, Maquiavel e  Rossini, e assim é apelidada de Panteão das Glórias  Italianas.  Fonte "" Piazza della Signoria is an L-shaped square in front  of the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy. It was  named after the Palazzo della Signoria, also called  Palazzo Vecchio. It is the focal point of the origin and  of the history of the Florentine Republic and still  maintains its reputation as the political hub of the  city. Source "" Piazza della Signoria é a praça central de Florença,  sede do poder civil com o Palazzo Vecchio e o  coração da vida social da cidade. Em forma de L,  encontra-se na parte central da Florença meridional,  ao sul do Duomo e a poucas dezenas de metros da  Ponte Vecchio e do rio Arno.  Fonte "" The historic centre of Florence attracts millions of  tourists each year. It was declared a World Heritage  Site by UNESCO in 1982. Due to Florence's artistic  and architectural heritage, it has been ranked by  Forbes as one of the most beautiful cities in the  world, and the city is noted for its history, culture,  Renaissance art and architecture and monuments.  Source "" Florence is also an important city in Italian fashion,  being ranked within the top fifty fashion capitals of  the world; furthermore, it is also a major national  economic centre, being a tourist and industrial hub.  Source "" Giotto’s Campanile is a free-standing campanile that is  part of the complex of buildings that make up Florence  Cathedral on the Piazza del Duomo. Standing adjacent  the Basilica of Santa Maria del Fiore and the Baptistry  of St. John, the tower is one of the showpieces of the  Florentine Gothic architecture with its design by Giotto,  its rich sculptural decorations and the polychrome  marble encrustations   Source "". O campanário de Giotto é a torre campanária de  Santa Maria del Fiore, Catedral de Florença, e se  encontra na praça do Domo. Seus alicerces foram  escavados por volta do ano de 1296 no sitio da nova  Catedral tendo Arnolfo di Cambio como empreiteiro.  Fonte "". San Miniato al Monte is a basilica in Florence,  standing atop one of the highest points in the city. It  has been described as one of the finest Romanesque  structures in Tuscany and one of the most beautiful  churches in Italy. There is an adjoining Olivetan  monastery, seen to the right of the basilica when  ascending the stairs. Source "". A Basílica di San Miniato al Monte fica no topo de um  dos mais altos pontos de Florença e tem sido  descrita como a estrutura românica mais bela da  Toscana e uma das igrejas mais bonitas da Itália.  Fonte "".
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