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 Izmir ou Esmirna é uma cidade do sudoeste da Turquia situada na Região do Egeu, capital da área metropolitana e da província de Esmirna. Em 2009, a população do conjunto dos distritos urbanos era de 3 276 815,.1 o que faz dela a terceira maior cidade da Turquia, a seguir a Istambul e Ancara.2 A altitude média da cidade é de 30 m. Fonte Wikipédia. Saiba mais    Izmir is a large metropolis in the western extremity of Anatolia and the third most populous city in Turkey. Izmir's metropolitan area extends along the outlying waters of the Gulf of İzmir and inland to the north across Gediz River's delta, to the east along an alluvial plain created by several small streams and to a slightly more rugged terrain in the south. The ancient city was known as Smyrna, and the city was generally referred to as Smyrna in English, until the Turkish Postal Services Law of 1930 made "Izmir" the internationally recognized name. Source Wikipédia. See more Selçuk is the central town of Selçuk district, İzmir  Province in Turkey, 2 km (1.2 miles) northeast of  ancient city Ephesus. Its original Greek name, (Άγιος  Θεολόγος) referred to John the Theologian.  Source “” The House of the Virgin Mary is a Catholic and  Muslim shrine located on Mt. Koressos in the vicinity  of Ephesus, 7 kilometres from Selçuk in Turkey.  Catholic pilgrims visit the house based on the belief  that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken to this  stone house by Saint John and lived there until her  Assumption. Source “” A Casa da Virgem Maria é um santuário católico e  muçulmano localizado no monte Koressos, próximo  da cidade de Éfeso. Os peregrinos cristãos visitam a  casa baseados na crença de que Maria foi levada  para esta casa de pedra por São João e ali eles  viveram até a Assunção de Maria. Fonte “” Ephesus was an ancient Greek city, and later a major  Roman city, on the coast of Ionia, near present-day  Selçuk. It was one of the twelve cities of the Ionian  League during the Classical Greek era. In the Roman  period, Ephesus had a population of more than  250,000 in the 1st century BC, which served to make  it one of the largest cities in the Mediterranean  world. Source “” Ephesus contains the largest collection of Roman  ruins in the eastern Mediterranean. Only an  estimated 15% has been excavated. The ruins that  are visible give some idea of the city's original  splendor, and the names associated with the ruins  are evocative of its former life. Source “” The Basilica of St. John was a basilica in Ephesus. It  was constructed by Justinian I in the 6th century. It  stands over the believed burial site of John the  Apostle. It was modeled after the now lost Church of  the Holy Apostles in Constantinople.  Source “” It is believed that the Apostle John traveled from  Jerusalem to the city of Ephesus where he remained  for the rest of his life. It was during his time there  that Emperor Domitian exiled him to the Isle of  Patmos, where he wrote Revelation. Source “” İzmir has almost 3,500 years of recorded urban  history and possibly even longer as an advanced  human settlement. Lying on an advantageous  location at the head of a gulf running down in a  deep indentation midway on the western Anatolian  coast, the city has been one of the principal  mercantile cities of the Mediterranean Sea for much  of its history. Source “” The port of İzmir is Turkey's primary port for exports  in terms of the freight handled and its free zone, a  Turkish-U.S. joint-venture established in 1990, is the  leader among the twenty in Turkey. Source “” Costa Magica - The magic of Italy  All the wonders of some of the most beautiful  locations in Italy can be found here. Costa Magica is  dedicated to the magic of Italy, a fabulous journey  through the country's best known and enchanting  cities, with works of art from the prestigious Brera  Academy. Source "" Com o Costa Magica a magia do cruzeiro se torna uma viagem  na viagem. A sua mobília, a decoração e os ambientes são  totalmente inspirados no encanto das localidades mais bonitas  da Itália: de Capri a Portofino, Salento, Bellagio, de Urbino a  Grado, Spoleto... Uma magia que envolve você nos seus salões,  no espetacular hall central de nove andares, nos restaurantes  refinados e acolhedores cuja atmosfera se inspira nos lugares  encantadores da Costa Smeralda. Fonte “”  Utilizamos cookies para personalizar conteúdo e anúncios, fornecer funcionalidades de redes sociais e analisar o nosso tráfego. Também partilhamos informações acerca da sua utilização do site com os nossos parceiros de redes sociais, publicidade e análise. Toda a informação em Política de Consentimento de Utilizadores da UE, Requisitos da política para as funcionalidades de publicidade do Google Analytics e De que forma a Google trata os dados quando utiliza os sites ou as aplicações dos nossos parceiros.